Wednesday 30 August 2017

Master Bedroom Vignette

We were still in that pre-kid phase of our marriage when we had finally saved up enough money to buy ourselves a real-deal “bedroom set”.  We moved our hand-me-down pieced together...

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Tuesday 29 August 2017

Sanded Floors

All along I knew I wanted Minwax’s Jacobean on the floors of the flip. We had them in our last house and LOVED them. I knew we’d adore the way they looked with the light walls… it would provide some great contrast.


Until the floor guys (NTP Hardwood) showed up and did their thing. Then I started to rethink everything. They did such an incredible job with the rooms that I wanted to let the beautiful wood shine through instead of hiding it. I texted them tonight and said: “Let’s just skip the stain and polyurethane everything.” I know we will never please 100% of the people that come through the doors of our flip’s open house and that’s okay but I knew that this choice would make the house feel so bright, open and airy in a way the darker would never have.

^^ Sunroom ^^

^^ I was worried the kitchen would look too dark with Jacobean and the dark counters… I think it was a good choice to go lighter. ^^

^^ Dining Room looking into Living Room and front entry. ^^

^^ AJ stripped wallpaper and we painted all the stair railings, balusters and risers. ^^ 

^^ Living Room ^^

^^ Master Bedroom ^^


Our next big step will be the carpet being installed upstairs (September 13). The NTP hardwood guys said that the orginal hardwood floors upstairs would never look right because it had been patched so many times (there are a lot of different kinds of wood in the floors up there and not in a good way) so we opted to just install carpet.

On an completely unrelated note, we have the babies’ foster care review September 5. I’m pretty nervous about sitting down with the babies’ birth parents so if you wouldn’t mind praying for that meeting I’d be so grateful. I have to come armed with all the info on the babies I have and I’ll get to hear about the parents’ progress on their action plans.

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Monday 28 August 2017

Always a Classic – Leopard Print

Sassy and fun and always in style, leopard print is a classic in my book.  Both in fashion and interiors a splash of leopard in the mix immediately ups the chic factor.  The key in my opinion is...

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Sunday 27 August 2017

Essex Ave Flip: Living Room Progress

All the wood floors in the flip are going to be refinished on Tuesday! The time is ticking to finish a bunch of projects before that happens. The living room is done, the third coat of white paint made ALL the difference. This room had me at hello. The molding all over the walls is just incredible… I would love love love for this room to be in our own home. We opted to use a custom white in eggshell to match the cabinets in the kitchen so that same white flows throughout the home. We only are using two colors in the house, this white, and Clark & Kensington’s Stormy Weather (a super light gray) to keep with the beachy feel but are doing the floors a contrasting color with Minwax’s Jacobean.

^^ The gorgeous Pottery Barn light will be hanging right here! ^^

Today’s project was painting all the stair risers to get them ready for the floor guys… we want all painting to be done before they come on Tuesday (I don’t think we’ll make that goal but it’ll be pretty close!) ^^

This room is going to be staged with a mixture of pieces I’m purchasing and from around our own home.  I found an IKEA Ektorp loveseat on Craigslist the other day for free (!!!) and am going to outfit it with a white slipcover and loads of navy pillows. Last night one of my girlfriends and I picked up the matching IKEA Ektorp sofa for a decent price with a white slipcover (THIS ONE from Joss & Main is almost identical but looks a little higher end for a decent price, it’s a good option for those of you without an IKEA, and we’ve LOVED everything we’ve purchased from Joss & Main!).

I’m going to be using THIS JUTE RUG to stage the living room. I purchased it from a moving sale on Craigslist about four years ago for $50. THIS rug looks identical, has incredible reviews, and is cheaper.

We have little things to do like putting caulking on tiny gaps but other than that, and scraping the door glass, this room is ready for the floor guys! ^^

^^ Can’t get enough of this view. ^^

The coffee table and end table that I’m using to stage are two pieces I’ve found in town in someone’s garbage and refinished. #trashpicker #noshame They are great pieces for either a beachy feel or farmhouse so depending how I stage future houses I’m set with these two substantial pieces (I’ll share more later!).

Behind the couch I’ll put our World Market sofa table (on sale now with 4% back with E-Bates!!!) with the lamps because the living room has no overhead light. I’ll then bring in some color into the space with some beachy artwork.

I am SO excited to share more progress with you! Leave any flipping questions here or shoot me an email at and I’ll do my best to answer any / all!

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Saturday 26 August 2017

An Empty Swimming Pool Transformed Into an Urban Permaculture Farm

Ever seen an empty swimming pool and thought, “Gee, what else could I do with this eyesore?” Me neither. But Dennis and Danielle McClung, the founders of Garden Pool, had a novel idea. After buying a foreclosed home in Mesa,Read More...

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Friday 25 August 2017

Seoul’s Hydroponic Solar-Powered Bike Share Farm

Inspired by current urban bike sharing programs, the hydroponic Bike Share Farm is a mobile solar-powered vertical urban farm that sits atop two connected bicycles.  Changing bikes at each new stop is easy with this shared community farm on wheelsRead More...

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Thursday 24 August 2017

A TV Over The Fireplace….Design Yes or Major No-No?

Hey friends!  How are you?!  I’ve missed you all….but I’m sure you probably didn’t even notice that I took some time away from the blog last week.  I had to attend a...

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Escape Off-Grid With This Smart Self-Sustainable Mobile Micro Home

Here’s a civilized idea for getting away from civilization…or for hunkering down right in your own backyard. Escape off-grid (or not) with ...