Thursday 25 May 2017

Adoption Update

It’s been four months to the day that we brought Vera and Gray home from the hospital and it’s been a whirlwind of learning who they are and what this whole process is like. The process is moving fairly quickly for us and we already have an adoption worker assigned for the twins and a fairly major court date next month. The adoption worker told us last week that best case scenario it could be October or November for the adoption is finalized (if everything goes exactly according to the schedule, which he warned us it never does). He also said that the parents could appeal the decision at this trial next month and it could push our timeline back another year. Regardless, the babies will stay with us until an official decision is reached. It sounds like, from everything the attorneys and social workers tell us, that there is almost no chance of us losing the babies but we are also trying to be realistic and know that because nothing is official there is always a chance of things not going the way we hoped.

We would be so grateful for your prayers over the next month as the judge makes decisions. The other day I saw the babies’ birth mom with one of their older siblings and I felt this awful sadness; our potential joy at the news of this court date means her sadness. We were told that no adoption comes without loss and it’s totally true.  We are absolutely wild for these babies and they are already beautifully fitting into our family.

The post Adoption Update appeared first on Migonis Home.

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