Saturday 15 July 2017

The Flip: Kitchen Progress

What a difference a week has made in the progress at the flip! Last week I finished the first coat of paint on the kitchen after cleaning the disgusting walls for hours. Then this past week AJ brought all the cabinets up to the flip to start putting them where they belong in the kitchen and I picked out the granite that we will be using.

I’ve had a lot of people ask me “how are you doing it?! You must be Superwoman!” Nope and nope. It’s the divide and conquer method. Because AJ is a teacher he has the summer off so for most of the day he is at the flip working or at the rentals managing them. I’m always with the kids and we’ll often go over to visit him and check on progress. Sometimes we’ll bring jellybeans. My job with the flip was to design and order everything needed for the kitchen and do most of the shopping for the house. AJ’s job is to put everything together and to do the construction things we don’t want to hire out.

This weekend my parents gave us a night with no kids for our anniversary so we used it to paint the outside of the flip and then take a late dinner reservation at a restaurant we’ve been wanting to try (The Market in Gloucester, MA… definitely worth a try, Locals!).

Let me remind you about the before photo:

Let me remind you of this exact same angle a month ago:

The granite was such a great deal because the company ordered too many slabs for a big job they had and gave it to me for a steal. It’s definitely lighter than a black and when I saw it I knew it would be great for the gray toned beachy chip look I was going for. The walls will be repainted now that this granite is picked out. The template is being made on Wednesday and installed the week after!

We (mostly AJ) painted most of the exterior of the house. What beachy color would you paint the front door?

The post The Flip: Kitchen Progress appeared first on Migonis Home.

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