Monday 1 January 2018

2018: Compact

A couple of years ago people were choosing just one word to define what they wanted their year to look like. For a few months I’ve been thinking about how I wanted 2018 to be and keep coming back to a word that has partially defined 2017. COMPACT. It seems like a weird word to define a year, right? Compact signifies two things to me: small (or targeted) and dense (made up of things that matter). Here’s why I chose the word for 2018:

The twins joining our family last year (January 24, 2017) proved to be more physically limiting than almost any other change in our lives. As a result this past year was very compact in nature. Things that were extraneous got pushed away, intentionally or by just the way life happened. I didn’t find myself taking on much of anything new. I felt like my focus was small and limited on our home and the five other people living with me. My goal this year is to wholeheartedly give to our fam, because this needy phase will only last two – three more years, but I want to take steps to intentionally live more creatively and in community with others because when I’m not I feel like this COMPACT living sucks the life out of me. COMPACT in this situation means TARGETED PRIORITIES. I still want to lead the mom’s group I head up, be a room parent (a very minimal time commitment) and blog occasionally but other things are going to have to wait. I want to be okay with saying “no” this year but also be very smart about any additional things I chose to say “yes” to.

I also want to be COMPACT in my free time. There isn’t much of it so to be COMPACT means that I need to be selective and smart about how I use that time and choose a few things that are life-giving and edifying. I also want to be COMPACT in how I spend my money. I want to live by what our goals are as a family (spending, saving, paying off the car and giving) and not deviate from it despite feeling like I “need” something I saw in Marshalls or that I read about on my favorite blog. COMPACT in these situations means FOCUSED AND INTENTIONAL.

Lastly, I’ve been thinking about my health. When I’m my healthiest (not this year and especially not over Christmas!) my body is COMPACT (lean and strong). I want to very intentionally choose to reduce my sugar and get on that treadmill or outside to walk five days a week. The biggest change I want from this is to not feel tired or like I can’t think straight, which I’ve found comes from not eating right and working out enough. COMPACT in this situation means DEVELOPING A HEALTHY BODY CREATED BY LIFE-GIVING CHOICES.

So who is with me? Who wants a year of COMPACT living… intentional, priority-filled and healthy? … Not a year where we waste our time on frivolous things that don’t matter… I want you to ask me about what I said here through out the year! Shoot me an email if this sounds like a goal you’d love to be a part of this year because I’d love some people to join me in these goals (one of them or all!):

In honor of new goals and simplified, compact, living I am giving away two copies of Emily Ley’s fabulous new book: A Simplifed Life. I bought two copies last month for myself and my sister and LOVE it!

To enter:

  1. Leave a comment with your name, email and goal(s) for 2018.
  2. There will be additional entries on Facebook and Instagram, watch for them!

Giveaway ends January 7 at 11:59pm.

The post 2018: Compact appeared first on Migonis Home.

2018: Compact posted first on

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