Thursday 4 April 2019

Easy, Quick and Cheap Silhouette Tutorial

This is an easy and quick tutorial on making a silhouette that anyone can handle, you don’t need any high tech equipment except for a camera (or phone with camera), printer and computer.

I have been wanting silhouettes of the kids framed in our mudroom forever but I was always scared they wouldn’t come out right or that it would take forever. Enter silhouette paralysis.

Here’s what you need:

  1. Scissors
  2. Glue Stick
  3. Printer / Computer
  4. Camera (on phone will work fine!)
  5. Tape
  6. Card stock in white and black  / navy (or whatever color you decide to have your silhouette be in)


  1. Take photos of your child(ren) just how I show you above. Make sure you are the same distance away from each of them,  you don’t want one small head and one giant head (if you can’t figure out how to enlarge in your photo program).

2. Print out the photos of your children straight from your photo program. I chose to have my silhouettes fit in an 8×10 mat so I had them printed full size on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper. If you struggle to figure out how to reduce the size you can always import them into Word and size them down there.

3. Roughly cut out the profile of your child and tape it to the black sheet of card stock. Then start cutting around the profile. If your children are wearing large coats just improvise. Round out the bottom to the silhouette.

4. The next step involves using a glue stick to glue your silhouette to the white paper. Before you do this, figure out how you want to display them. Do you want the silhouettes looking at each other or facing the same direction. Look at my two examples below to figure out the look you prefer.


See how easy that was? It will literally take you ten minutes per silhouette if you have no problems printing it out. 🙂

If you still can’t figure it out, don’t have time to do this or just don’t want to I’d be happy to make any for $25 apiece. Just shoot me an email at

The post Easy, Quick and Cheap Silhouette Tutorial appeared first on Migonis Home.

Easy, Quick and Cheap Silhouette Tutorial posted first on

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